Recipe-less Tofu scramble


Tofu is not everyones cup of tea, I love it because it can become anything you want it to. With the variations of textures and flavours available, tofu can be used to make anything from chocolate mousse to bolognese.

I have a love hate relationship with eggs, some days the thought of eggs gross me out and there’s no way I could eat one, and other days I love them. Whenever I don’t want to eat eggs, but I want something hearty, yummy and similar in texture I have some tofu scramble. * I have served this as a veggie scramble before not mentioning its tofu and no one noticed, I got complimented saying it was delicious, fresh and light.

The difference from a normal egg scramble with veg and a tofu scramble is that the tofu one is far easier to make. Egg scrambles with veg tend to either become very dry or they leak water and become a bit grey and gross.. tofu scramble doesn’t dry out, it stays moist, and if it is a little dry, adding water doesn’t ruin it. I love making my scramble with firm tofu, but if you like a creamy runny scramble silken tofu would be best (wouldn’t recommend adding veg to the silken one).

As usual, with all recipe-less recipes, I give you the main ingredients needed, and other possible ingredients you can add to the dish. This is a great way to get loads of veggies in ya.

Serves: 1-2 people

Prep/cooking time: 5-10 mins

Main Ingredients

250g firm tofu

2 tbsp soy sauce/tamari

1 onion, sliced thin

1 garlic clove, minced

1/2 tsp turmeric

1/2 tsp chilli flakes

1/4 tsp cumin

1/2 tsp smoked paprika

2 tbsp water

Additional optional Ingredients

Herbs- chives, parsley, basil, rosemary, thyme...

Cheese- cheddar, parmesan, gruyere…

Nuts & seeds- sesame, poppy, peanuts, sunflower seeds

Veggies/fruits- tomatoes, peppers, spinach, broccolini, potatoes, ginger...

Condiments- tomato paste, hot sauce, mustard, sesame oil…


1. With a fork, shred the tofu block into crumbs, marinate with the soy sauce for a few minutes.

2. In a pan on medium high heat, add oil and cook onions until softened, add in garlic and spices, cook for a few seconds. If using any veggies, add them in now and cook until they start to soften.

3. Add in tofu crumbs along with the soy sauce it marinated in. Turn the heat to high and mix so that everything is thoroughly coated and incorporated. Season with salt, and finish the dish by adding the water- this should make it less dry. Serve whilst still hot.


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