No-knead Caramelised Leek and Sun-dried Tomato Foccacia

There are hundreds of focaccia recipes out there, but still, I wanted to make one.

This actually started out as delicious vegan cheesy bread rolls, but after much thought, I wanted a simple dough recipe that required basically no work… and this is what I ended up with. A no-knead bread (literally no knead, you just put the dough together…) the longer you ferment your dough (overnight option), the better the flavour develops, but if you’re tight on time, the fast version makes a superb product, far superior than any focaccia you’ll buy.

TIP: I’ve tested this recipe with both bread flour and all-purpose flour and both work. You can also do a mix of all purpose and bread flour.

Makes: A whole tray of focaccia

Prep/baking time: 2 hrs - overnight


For the caramelised leek:

1 leek, sliced thin

3 tbsps extra virgin olive oil

pinch of salt


  1. Place the olive oil, leek and salt into a pot on medium heat. Cook the leeks with a lid on, stirring often until completely softened and golden brown. Set aside to cool fully.

For the Foccacia:

4 cups (520g) all-purpose flour

1 tsp sea salt

1 tsp sugar

2 cups (399g) lukewarm water

1/3 cup (66g) extra virgin olive oil

1 1/2 tsp active dry yeast

cooled caramelised leek

1/4 cup (30g) dry sun-dried tomatoes

4 tbsps extra virgin olive oil

flakey sea salt (optional)


1. In a bowl or stand mix, add the flour and salt. Mix together

2. In another bowl or measuring jug, add the sugar, water, 1/3 (66g) olive oil and active dry yeast. Mix together and let stand for 5 mins - the yeast should bloom during this time.

3. Add the water and leeks to the flour and mix together into a cohesive dough with no dry spots left - you can do this by hand or in a stand mixer.

4. If you’re making the fast version : cover the bowl and let proof for 1 hour at room temp. For the overnight version : put the dough into the biggest bowl you have, cover and place into the fridge for 10-12 hours.

5. If you want a crispy thin focaccia, choose a large baking tray, if you want a fluffy focaccia, choose a smaller baking tray (for mine, I use a 33cmx22cm tray with high sides). Add a glug of olive oil to the bottom of the tray, using your hands, spread it all over, including the sides.

6. Scatter the sun-dried tomatoes onto the proofed dough, then tip the dough out into the baking tray. Using your oily fingers, spread the dough to the corners, making sure to disperse the sun-dried tomatoes around. Let your dough rest for 5 mins if if bounces back when spreading.

7. Cover and let your dough proof for another 30-40 mins. Meanwhile, pre-heat your oven to 180°C.

8. After the second proofing, oil your fingers again, and dimple the dough (your fingers should touch the bottom of the pan). Drizzle over the remaining 4 tbsps of oil, and sprinkle some flakey sea salt.

9. Bake for 30-40 mins of the middle shelf, until golden brown. Let the bread cool in the tray for 10 mins, then remove and place onto a wire rack. Leave to fully cool before cutting into it.


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