Watercress Potato Soup


I don’t love soup. Unless its phô, ramen, miso- any liquidy bothy based soups with noodles or stuff to munch on. I would say there are a very few more viscous soups that I don’t mind; watercress potato being one of them.

As mentioned before I’m lactose-intolerant, and just in general I believe cream is a devil ingredient when it comes to savoury cooking, and when looking for a watercress soup a lot of them used cream to add a velvety texture. I was not about that, so that’s how this recipe came to life.

prep/cooking time: 30-35 mins

Serves: 3-4 people


2 onions, sliced 

300 g of potatoes, cubed

4 garlic cloves, sliced 

1 bay leaf 

4 stalks of thyme

1L chicken/veggie stock

2 tsp lemon juice

1/2 tsp soy sauce

Scant 1/4 tsp lemon zest

100g  watercress 

Crusty toasted bread, to eat with


  1. Into an oiled pot on medium heat add the onions in and sweat them until they start to soften. Then add the garlic, cook for 1 min. 

  2. Add the potatoes, stock, thyme, bay leaf to the pot and bring to a boil. 

  3. Once it reaches a boil, turn the heat down to medium. Cook until the potatoes are tender, skimming the foam off.

  4. Once the potatoes are tender, take off the heat. Remove the bay leaf and the thyme from the mix. Blend the liquid with the potatoes, onion and garlic until it’s smooth in consistency. 

  5. Return the mix to the heat on low, season with salt and pepper, add the lemon juice, zest, and soy sauce. 

  6. Right before you are ready to serve, drop the watercress in, stir for a few seconds until it starts to wilt and serve.


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