Recipe Revisited: Vegan ‘Brioche’ Buns

I recently found out through an IgE allergy blood test that i’m supposedly allergic to cows milk and egg whites. Two ingredients that are extremely popular to use in baked goods, and honestly many dishes in general. Since the blood test I’ve eaten plenty of dairy and eggs, but just recently started to cut it out (or try to) out of my diet- since doing so, I’ve realised when I do eat them, I in fact do have a reaction, thankfully I don’t go into anaphylactic shock, but I feel ill for a very prolonged amount of time- whether or not that may be psychological, It’s not a pleasant feeling.


Every now and then I’ll let myself eat something I know I shouldn’t, knowing that there’s a chance I won’t be ok afterwards, but when I can substitute an ingredient or a whole product with something that works well for my body, I’ll try to go that mile - even if it means having to make it from scratch or having it be more expensive.

A few weeks back, I wanted to make some burgers for dinner and obviously the only buns I want to eat with a burger is either a potato or brioche bun - both contain dairy or/and eggs, so I decided to play around with the base dough used for my coconut buns, and instead adapt them to make dairy and egg free burger buns (can be vegan). They turned out gorgeous and super fluffy- will definitely be making them again for whenever I’m in the mood for burgers.


Revisited dough recipe for burger buns:

Makes: 5 big burger buns

prep/baking/cooling time: ~2 hrs

Ingredients For the tangzhong:

3 tbsp (25g) plain/all-purpose flour

1/3 cup (88g) dairy free milk (I use Rude Health Coconut Drink)


  1. In a small pot whisk together the flour and milk until no clumps are left. Put it on medium heat, using a spatula vigorously stir until the mixture comes together as a thick paste and no lumps are present.

    Remove from the pan and let the paste cool, meanwhile prepare your dough ingredients

For the dough:

340g plain/all-purpose flour

1 tsp salt (6g)

1/4 cup (60ml) dairy free milk

1/2 cup (116ml) water

1 tsp instant yeast (5g)

2 tbsp (18g) sugar

2 tbsp neutral oil

Cooled tangzhong

1 tbsp olive oil

1.5 tsp hot water

1 tsp honey/maple syrup/date syrup

sesame seeds or poppy seeds, optional


  1. In a mixing bowl, add your dry ingredients: flour and salt. Toss together to thoroughly combine.

  2. In a pot or in the microwave, mix the milk and water together and heat until it is lukewarm or around 35°C, not any hotter. Add the yeast, sugar and oil to the liquids and mix until the yeast has dissolved. Let it sit for 5 minutes.

  3. After 5 minutes, make a well in the middle of your dry ingredients and pour the yeasty liquid mixture. Stir to form a very rough dough, add your cooled tangzhong to the mix, and stir everything until a dough forms. Knead the dough for 5-7 minutes (in a stand mix) or double the time if working manually. The dough is a tacky and sticky dough, if using your hands, grease them and the counter with a tiny bit of oil.

  4. When the dough is done kneading it should bounce back 3/4 of the way when poked. Very lightly coat a large bowl with some oil, and place the dough ball into the bowl. Let it proof for 45-1 hour, or until doubled in size.

  5. After proofing: Lightly dust a clean work surface with flour and tip the dough out. Portion the dough into 5 equal pieces (roughly 135g each)

  6. Form the dough into a tight ball, closing the seam at the bottom. Place on a parchment lined and floured baking sheet and continue doing that to all 5 balls.

  7. Let the dough balls proof for another 45-1 hour or until doubled in size.

  8. After 2nd proof: Mix the olive oil, water and sweetener until homogenous and turn the oven on to pre-heat at fan 180°C. Gently brush the olive oil mixture on top of the proofed buns and sprinkle with poppy or sesame seeds if using. Bake for 15-17 minutes or until the buns are evenly golden brown and register around 80°C. Let them cool fully before cutting in.


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