Glazed Sprout Craggies with Za’atar Labne


200g Brussels Sprouts, trimmed

2 tbsps pomegranate molasses

1 tbsp Za’atar

2 tbsps Extra virgin olive oil

3/4 cup (213g) labneh or thick greek yoghurt

flakey sea salt, olive oil


1. Pre-heat your oven to fan 200°C. Bring a pot of salted water to the boil. When boiling, add the sprouts to the water and boil until tender, 4-6 mins.

2. Drizzle some oil onto a baking tray. Place a sprout onto it, and crush it with the bottom of a flat surface until 1cm thick - the Brussels sprout will fall apart slightly, that’s ok. Continue crushing until all the sprouts are done. Drizzle with more oil, season with salt and pepper.

3. Bake the sprouts for 15-20 mins, until slightly golden. Drizzle the pomegranate molasses over the sprouts on both sides.

4. Return to the oven, and bake for 3-5 mins until sticky and crispy - as it cools, it’ll get crispier.

5. Mix together the za’atar, extra virgin olive oil and labneh or thick greek yoghurt. Season with salt.

6. Spread the yoghurt onto a plate, then top with the sprout craggies. Sprinkle some flakey sea salt and finish with a drizzle of olive oil.


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