
I don’t know why I don’t make tostones more often.. I found out about them from my mums cuban friend years ago and I love them. Every time, I go months without eating some, and as soon as I have them again I ask myself why I don’t make them more often.

The green plantains are twice fried until crispy, and bathing them in the garlic water gives them a little extra something that makes them special.

This recipe is straightforward, and uses minimal ingredients, just make sure to have everything organised so nothing gets too messy or oily.

Serves: 2-3 people

prep/frying time: 20-30 minutes


6 cloves of garlic, minced

2 cups water

1/2 sea salt

2 green plantains, peeled and cut into 3-4cm slices

neutral oil, for frying

extra salt, for garnish


1. Prepare the garlic bath; into a bowl, add minced garlic, water and salt. Whisk until all the salt is dissolved and let sit for 10-15 minutes. Drain the water into another bowl removing and discarding the garlic chunks.

2. In a pot or pan with high sides, add enough oil to cover the bottom with at least 3cm. The amount of oil should not be more than 3/4 of your pan/pot capacity. Heat to 150°C or on medium heat.

3. Test the oil to see if its hot by dropping in a plantain slice or by putting a wooden chopstick into the oil, it should bubble but not aggressively. When the oil is hot enough, drop in a few slices of plantain and cook them until a skin forms on the outside. It won’t be fully cooked through, you also will most likely have to fry in batches.

4. Once the skin has formed, remove them from the oil, and put them onto a cutting board, with the back of a spatula or a flat surface, gently press down onto the fried plantain so that it smashes; you want it around 1cm thick.

5. After smashing the plantains, transfer each to the garlic water bath for 5-10 seconds (too long and they will start to disintegrate.) Remove and set them on paper towels or a clean kitchen towel and pat them dry.

6. Turn your heat up to medium high or so your oil registers 180°C. Fry the thoroughly dried plantains until golden and crispy, place on a paper towel lined plate to soak up the excess oil or on a wire rack. Sprinkle with some salt when still hot, and serve immediately.


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