Recipe-less Delicious Browned Shrooms


I love mushrooms! Not when they’re soggy and taste like dirt, but when they’ve gotten some colour on them, the water content has evaporated a little and the umami comes out.

Shrooms on toast is one of my staple brekkies I make- whether its on top of scrambled eggs, avocado, whipped ricotta, or on its own, I love it. I also use these mushrooms to make shroom bolognese, mushroom risotto … anything that requires cooked mushroom basically undergoes this cooking process.

Obviously, to make this you don’t need exact measurements for anything, it’s just about getting the technique down, and adding them to whatever you want.

Main Ingredients

Mushrooms (any variety), sliced thinly or if wild mushrooms- tear into thin pieces.

oil, salt, pepper

Additional Ingredients


herbs- thyme, rosemary, parsley, basil, tarragon… (soft herbs to sprinkle at the end)

spices- smoked paprika, cumin, coriander, cinnamon…


  1. To a pan on medium high heat drizzle in a good glug of oil. Add mushrooms in and let cook unbothered, after a few minutes, flip or stir the mushroom to brown the other side. Continue this process until you are happy with the colour development and the texture of the mushrooms. ( If using garlic and hard herbs add them after the first flip/stir.)

  2. Top your bread or whatever it is with the mushrooms and season with salt.


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