Toast toppings: Cheeze & Honey


I’ve always been a big fan of sweet and salty, especially with cheese; brie and fig jam, camembert and honey, marmelade etc.. Now though, i’m trying to cut out as much cheese as possible from my diet, especially cow’s milk cheese as i’m lactose intolerant.

I found out about violife greek block, which is one of the best vegan cheese alternatives I’ve had, and decided to pair it with some honey, hemp seeds and black pepper. The cheese is tangy and salty, the honey cuts the saltniess and brings some sweet and luscious texture, the hemp seeds brings some green, grassy flavours and the pepper cuts through with some citrusy spicy notes. The whole combo is incredibly delicious, and also works well with actual real goats cheese or even soft cows cheese like brie or camembert.




Pomegranate Glazed Meatballs