The 1 technique you need to make cooking easy breezy


No matter what level of cooking you’re at, there’s 1 technique you can use to make everything much easier. No more panicking because your onions are ready and you haven’t finished chopping your garlic, or you forgot to weight out whatever else it is… mise en place which directly translates to ‘put in place’ is the single most important technique you can do to help yourself.

What it is, is essentially prep work. All the ingredients you need to make the dish, prepped, cut up however they’re meant to be, liquids measured out etc. Everything all ready, so that all you need to do it plop them into the skillet or wherever else. This is a technique used in restaurants to help service go a lot quicker, and it’s something you can do at home for the same results.

Granted, prepping sometimes might take you longer than cooking, but in general if you where to cut and measure whilst cooking, it would defo go slower, and you might also forget some ingredients.

All my recipes are written out with the intention that you have done all the prep work beforehand. In the ingredients list, I give the amount of whatever it is, as well as how I want it to be cut, and then in the method, I only mention when it’s time to add it in to cook etc..

This technique is only here to help you become a more efficient cook, and hopefully you start using it and reaping the benefits.


Basil Pesto


L’étouffé Mackerel